
Before you go see "Elektra" you need to know a few facts:
Fact 1: It received the lowest score on the Tomatometer that I have ever seen - 3%.
Fact 2: On the IMDb it scored slight higher with 3.6 out of 10 stars.
Fact 3: Almost all the fan sights have scorned the movie.

So even knowing these facts, I went off to see "Elektra" tonight, with a couple of friends. Why? Because being a SF genre fan, I had to. The call was too much to stay away. Was it as bad as 3%? Well, I hated "Closer" and that's nominated for all sorts of awards but I liked "Elektra" a lot more than "Closer." Here's a simple list of + and - , so you can decide for yourself.

Plus +
The visuals are good.
The costumes are good.
You can just sit there and not have to think or do anything. Just stare at the screen.
The movie asks nothing from you.
If you're a guy - Jennifer Garner.
The movie is only 90 minutes and change in length.

Minus -
We don't need no stinking plot!
The 13 year old girl whines a lot.
Bedsheets flying.
Long stretches of nothing going on.
The fights were okay but not what was hyped.
Your wallet is $10 lighter.

You decide.


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