Tonight is the dreaded 2:50 am flight to the Middle East. I face another 15 hours of transit and then have to adapt to a new time zone again. I finally am on Singapore time and now I have to start all over again.

The newspapers here are focused on Asia. You almost would think that the US is a tiny country of no consequence. Little about the US makes the news. Today it was page 26 before I found a real mention. There was a Korea-US story on page 19 but it related to Korea. Everything is Asia. China dominates the headlines because they have far more influence over the region than anyone else. The Middle East is mentioned rarely. Last night at dinner, most people had never even heard of most of my upcoming stops. It was strange to think that what has such an impact on my world isn't even a blip on someone else's radar. If it makes the blip, it's in terms of war and jihad.

So I expect to be offline for a good 48 hours. I'm back to the usual travel life after a pleasant stop in Singapore.


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