Sometimes home enjoying a beer with friends, sometimes on the road checking out the world.
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= Good travel doesn’t mean spending all your budget and then some. The U.S. dollar is so weak against the Euro and Pound right now that I paid $20 for a sandwich, water, and dessert at the airport. A taxi ride in Poland was $12 but in Portugal it was $28. At the Portugal hotel, room service continental breakfast is $25. Internet in Poland was $37 for a day so I’m afraid to look in Portugal. As a result, I save where I can so I can spend on sightseeing. I always bring a box of granola bars and Nescafe packets. It’s not gourmet but it’s cheap. When possible, I use free wireless. This means getting creative with the best connection and in this room it involved pushing a chair next to the window to steal a signal. I can’t do anything with credit cards or security with free wireless but I can access school and blog. Plus save money. The big bargain in Portugal is the cost of the Hop-On-Hop-Off Sightseeing bus. Only $14 and there are two routes plus all regular bus service is included for a 24 hour period. I made good use of that today to get around Porto. My hotel windows are too dirty to take a photo but if they were clean and the sky was clear, I’d have a great view of the Atlantic ocean. This isn't my room view but the coastline is beautiful. There are warnings not to go in the water though because it's so badly polluted. If no one swims in the Atlantic, then why are they all eating the fish? I don't want to eat something that swims in water that no one goes near. One of many cool buildings in Porto
In Lima they said not to eat the seafood because the water was so poluted but everyone eats seafood there. Of course I did too and got sick from something...
Most Hobbit minded people have already seen the latest installment so this is for those of you waiting for the crowds to go down. Part 2 is much better than part 1. This applies to all viewers. Where the gap happens if you have not read the book (including the appendices) you will probably like the whole movie. If you've read the book and taken the time to read the appendices, then you'll appreciate the back story that's presented here. The spirit of Tolkien is present and Desolation of Smaug fits well within what will become a 6 part movie. What I liked....The opening sequence. This is not in the book and I had to look it up in the appendices and sure enough, Gandalf and Thorin did meet in Bree. Thranduil and Legolas father/son relationship. I liked it. While only a mere mention in the appendices, in this movie we see Legolas loyal to his father. That Legolas doesn't mesh with the person he becomes and it will be interesting to see what happens to Legolas in the nex...
COASTAL AREAS OF CALIFORNIA - OREGON - WASHINGTON - BRITISHCOLUMBIA - AND ALASKA....THE TSUNAMI WARNING AND WATCH STATUS IS CANCELED FOR CALIFORNIA - OREGON - WASHINGTON - BRITISH COLUMBIA - AND ALASKA... It's good to know that today's media is so excited for another tsunami, that newscasters managed to panic coastal residents for thousands of miles. My neighbor came rushing out her house to call out "tsunami" in 3 hours! She was ready to evacuate. We could not convice her that while we are near the beach, it is a good mile away, with a major freeway inbetween us and a nice rolling hill. She was still ready to go to higher ground, bathrobe and all. Luckily, the Weather Channel has announced the cancellation of the alert. I guess I can sleep now and not have to worry about being washed away.
Iron Man 2 starts off the traditional summer movie launch when we are still filled with hope of what is to come before being beaten down with crap. The second weekend in May is the the home of The Mummy, Van Helsing and the like of which Iron Man 2 now belongs. IM2 is everything that is cliched in a sequel. If the audience liked explosions in the first move, make more explosions. Flying super hero suits? Make more! Not enough hot women and wrestlers? Add in cheerleaders and Mickey Rourke and you have a popcorn movie! The plot is not hard to follow. One dimensional bad guy Mickey Rourke wants to make Iron Man suffer for family honor. Dweeby jealous Justin Hammer wants respect. (His whiny voice was overdone and I found myself wishing for a remote so I could hit mute). Tony Stark/Iron Man wants a life. So why was this so hard for people to grasp? This is one of those movies where if you have a friend who always is asking you "what happened" or "why" during the mo...
In Lima they said not to eat the seafood because the water was so poluted but everyone eats seafood there. Of course I did too and got sick from something...