Fast Week!

I've had the laptop blues for almost a week. The much abused and traveled Dell Latitude flat out stopped working in Lahore and is now undergoing reconstructive surgery in Anaheim. Most files were wiped out but I'm holding out hope for a partial restoration. The prospect of recreating some of the key files I need at this moment is not one that fills me with joy.

On the flip side, I am a file hoarder and have trouble deleting anything so this may be a good thing and I can start without getting the "exceed limits" message from the work server.

TiVo's timing is amazing. In the same week that the laptop goes down, TiVo has decided to stop recording and doesn't want to go through a system restart. All those hours of television that I had saved up will now have to be read as recaplets on Oh Internet, what would I do without you?


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