Clash of the Titans

Good, odd, and bad to report on COTT. The good is that it is much better than the original. The good is if you set your expectations really low then you'll like it better than you thought. And if you see it in 2D, you won't be distracted by bad 3D.

Odd - most of men of Argos looked like Klingons minus the horseshoe crater on the head. For a moment I thought we were on Kronos instead of ancient Greece. Some of the creatures were a mix of Lord of the Rings and Attack of the Clones big, bad, ugly bugs. Some of the elements were from The Mummy.

Bad - it really is a plodding story no matter how many action sequences happen. Some the of Klingons look so much alike that you forget who is who and really don't care when they die. There's only one female kick-ass lead.

I did like that the story of Perseus and the plot line did not follow the original story. The characters had different interactions and story arcs. I liked that visually there was always something to look at. The addition of Io as a guide for Perseus was a pleasant touch as well as the back story for Medusa. Muscular men in skirts is always a good thing.

COTT will probably be more palatable on a blu-ray as a background movie where you don't really need to pay attention, similar to 2012. Not really a children's movie, they should all be at How to Train Your Dragon this weekend.

I guess I liked it as much as Sherlock Holmes. Stuff happened, I watched, and I was okay with spending two hours in the theater.


  1. I like the new look of your blog. Very different thane before. But where's the earthquake site link? :-)


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