Baltic Blog - coast of Sweden

Normally I'd talk about the great day but I have better news to report!

I have just been promoted to Director of International Training!

Yes, the wisdom of the cookie has come through!

So that's it tonight from the coast of Sweden!


  1. That is great! Let me be the first (well, probably second or third) to congratulate you!

  2. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Hot Damn! Congratulations. You'll do great.


  3. Anonymous1:57 PM

    YEA!!!! Im so happy for you! You must be thrilled. Do you know when you start? WOW!!! This is great. I just saw Coolbaugh, he didnt mention anything. Enjoy your vacation!!

  4. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Congrats from your friends at BKI !!!!

  5. YAY fortune cookie! congrats karen! :) i don't really know what all that this new job entails, but i do know that you wanted it really bad, so i'm really happy for you! :)


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