The Wisdom of Fortune Cookies

In the last few years, I have had uncanny luck with my fortune cookies. It has been a strange thing but I've had good and bad fortunes and they always seem to apply. Back in January, I was stunned when I opened my cookie and there was no fortune inside.

How could such a thing happen? This was not good.

But the cookie was wise not to provide false hope at the time because as we all know, shortly after that my world was turned upside-down. What cookie wanted to be the bearer of bad news?

Last night I decided to have chinese food for dinner. This was the first time since my missing fortune that I've ventured back. I got my orange chicken and mu-shu chicken and took it home. I hadn't even thought about the cookie but there it was, rolling out of the bag.

I ignored my cookie. I ate my food. That little cookie was still there.

I broke down and decided to see what the cookie had to say.

"Take That Chance You've Been Considering"

Hmmmm. The wisdom of the cookie must be respected.


  1. ok... so i have a lot to say. first off, i know i don't know you too well (or at all), but i do not know what you are referring to when you say that your life was turned upside down in jan. are you ok?? anywho... i work at pfchangs china bistro, so i just munch on fortune cookies all the time and hardly ever read the fortunes, but the other day i just happened to look at the fortune before i tossed it out and it said "you will soon embark on a journey" i don't know if it was talking about a personal journey or an actual journey, but i was told the next day that i was gonna go to san jose to open up a new pfchangs there! moral of my story is that i no longer munch randomly on fortune cookies for fear that i will be throwing away my fate... or that i will overkill what fate has planned for me. now i much on wonton crisps :) a funny side story: one day i had this table and the dad opened his fortune cookie and it said "do it today, tomorrow may be too late." and his son's cookie said "you will soon inherit a large sum of money" the dad was not happy, but his son was kinda excited! :)

  2. Remember, you have to end every fortune cookie with "... in bed".

  3. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I too believe in fortune cookies and have some in my wallet. I was at a chinese restaraunt for dinner and the fortune said:you will travel to a tropical paradise. Two weeks later I received another that said:you will travel far and wide on business. I sent the two to Greg, my old boss and he said to me two weeks later:You know those fortunes, theyre pretty good. Will you go to Hawaii and Guam for me for work. I gladly accepted. I wish the fortune had told me to take mosquito repelent in Guam.

  4. I still have trust in my cookie!


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