Thanks for all the well wishes! Today the universe decided that I should just stay put and do the usual work routine. How very uncooperative of it!

On a more fun note - it is now less than 3 weeks from this year's Star Trek cruise! I leave on the 26th for Denmark and the Baltic Blast Cruisetrek!


  1. i love you karen :)

  2. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I heard a rumor. "Syanara" to a soon to be trip but maybe a future chance to work with a real "cool" friend. Am I close?

  3. All trips are still in place, depending on which one I've talked about recently. The Baltic Blast leaves in 2 weeks. London and Barcelona are still a go as of this moment in my life.

    A cool friend may be in my work future. The next 8 weeks will tell. That cookie never mentioned that things would go in a timely manner.


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