From one winter time zone to the next

I feel as if I have spent the last 5 months chasing winter. I like the sun, I like heat, I'm even happy in a too hot Arizona desert. But the last round of trips seems as if I am constantly catapulted into winter somewhere. This time it's Vancouver, Canada and with no snow or wind chill it's as mild of a 35F as one could hope for.

But it's still winter.

I'm here for a couple of weeks and I expect to see the run of rain, fog, cold, and even "less cold" conditions. Luckily I'm here for work and inside mostly but it's still cold.

Next week I'll have time off and hope to get some photos of something besides boring office buildings.

If you're in a sunny, warm place - Enjoy!


  1. I was beginning to wonder if you fell into a black hole. Any more Amsterdam photos?

  2. You are missing our rainy week. It's kinda nice. I love Vancouver.

  3. Homer -No more Amsterdam photos. We stayed close to the hotel due to the weather.

    Debby -Vancouver is great! Right now I'm hotel to work and back only but I'll be able to get out next week and have pictures.


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