Life of Pi - 3D

This was one that I didn't have on my radar but a friend wanted to see it, so last night I found myself in 3D glasses, without a clue as to what I was watching. All I knew about Life of Pi was that there was a shipwreck, a tiger, a man, and a lifeboat. So if like me, you've never read the book, here's the synopsis.

Life of Pi is really about a three segments in a man's life. We start our meeting with older Pi telling his story to a journalist. Then we go back in time to Pi's boyhood in India and what he was like, the influences around him, and his father's zoo. Later in the story we meet teenage Pi, falling in love and then his family's decision to sell the zoo and move to Canada. Boat trip, boat wreck, Pi finds himself stranded at sea.

For a two hour movie this was slow paced and at times too slow. The imagery was beautiful with the ocean, the sky, the dreams of someone trying not to lose his mind. The 3D enhanced this and this is one of the better 3D movies, where you forget the glasses are on your face and you wish you were seeing what Pi was seeing. (Except not starving and stranded in the middle of a stormy ocean.)  But the story is not all peace and beauty after all, it's a survivor's situation, eat or be eaten, sink or swim. There are a few moments that are hard to watch but mainly because your mind does the imaging of the scene. I never want to be in a storm at sea on a small boat and the storm scenes were vivid. I dreamed about a storm soaking my home last night but I guess that's better than a dream about a tiger trying to eat me.

There's a lot of religion in the movie. What is the right god, does god exist, can a person believe in more than one faith or do they have to choose? Does it matter in the end?

Who will like this movie? I wouldn't recommend it to me but the 3D was fantastic so I'm glad I saw it. People who like theological puzzles and questions will like this movie. I think the audience last night was mixed, some people were talking, children's interest went up and down, some people lived the movie. If you want uplifting, this isn't it. If you want action, this isn't it. If you want to watch, think, and see something unique, Life of Pi might be for you.


  1. I don't need to see it. You sure are catching up on movies!


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