The Hobbit - HDR 3D

I loved The Hobbit in the standard 2D format and had misgivings about ruining the experience by watching the HDR version. Not many people have had nice things to say about the look of the new technology but in fear of losing my fan card, I had to go experience this myself. So rather than revisit The Hobbit, this is what I felt watching the HDR 3D version.

People have complained that this format looks "too real." I couldn't understand that since no one gave a description. What I noticed was that in 2D, I felt like I was in the world of Middle Earth. In HDR 3D, I felt like I was on the movie set, watching the actors, with the stage props around me and a painting as the backdrop. Sort of like the giant back drops at Disneyland or Knott's Berry Farm. HDR is not forgiving for any flaws in movie making.

3D has never hurt my eyes but it took 2 hours to adjust and my eyes did hurt. Once I got dizzy as a shot panned over the dwarves crossing a bridge. Sometimes the scene couldn't hold my attention because it did look like I was watching the digital production via a computer as special effects were loaded in. I started to think about work. Never a good thing for a movie-goer.

The 3D didn't enhance The Hobbit the way it did in Avatar but it didn't distract either. I think 3D done in regular digital format probably would have looked great.

After the 2 hour mark when my eyes had adjusted I could appreciate the technology in the riddle scene and later, when the eagles were flying. Both of those scenes held up well with HDR.

Maybe because I was distracted by the look of the movie, the Misty Mountains music score bothered me less than it did in the first viewing.

Second viewing in any format still makes me realize what a great Bilbo Baggins Martin Freeman is and Richard Armitage as Thorin is even a better hero to cheer for once you're used to him.

If you haven't see The Hobbit yet, do so but stick to the normal experience. This is a fun movie and there's no need to see it with technology distractions.


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