After twice having to have people move themselves off my driveway yesterday so I could get in and out of my garage, the ultimate insult was a new pile of dog poop to clean up. I decided to try and combat it with spices since dogs always sniff the ground first, I'm hoping that a few good snezzes will discourge doggie from doing what dogs do. I made the trip to the store and bought value sized cans of pepper and cayenne pepper and sprinkled 1/2 of each all over the side yard.

This may have all been a waste. Carlsbad is so foggy that it's almost like rain. The spices are going to get soaked in and lose their power. On top of that today is the the gardeners day so everything will get stomped away.

I figure it's still worth the effort. I leave for Asia on Monday and I don't want to return to 3 weeks of dog piles. So far it's been 12 hours without a poop. I'm sure the saga will continue and my battle will go on.


  1. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Did the mojitos make you feel better?
    Kudos to Mondo for her inspiration! Just now finishing up the last one...

    Ms. Kitty

  2. Since we're taking about dog poop, I wish people would follow the rules and clean up after their dogs on the hiking trails. The parks even provide "doggie" bags at the trailhead. Not only do people not pick up after their dogs, they let their dogs do their business right in the middle of the trial! The Mt. Woodson trail sits above Lake Poway, which is where we get our drinking water from.


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