Hot topics in Malaysia this week - Bookstores refuse to sell the new Harry Potter book because the two supermarket giants are selling the book at a loss and a new low cost airline is refusing to fly people in wheelchairs. Both have made headlines throughout the week.

Harry Potter book #7 will now have to be hunted down. The concept of online ordering isn't big here and many people in the remote areas don't have computers. In the outer towns, there are no supermarkets so people can't get the book. The oddest thing is that there are no bootleg copies out there yet on the streets. For me, I'm in the same boat now as the locals. I was planning to buy the book today at the mall so I could read it on the flight home. Or I can try and explore and find the chains that are selling the book.

Air Asia is so low cost they don't have jetways or wheelchair assist. The airline has turned down wheelchair passengers at the airport even though the passenger had a ticket. No one at the airline will help walk someone up the stairs and store the wheelchair. The company's position is no exceptions. The government has told the airline they have to accomdate all passengers. The airline has yet to respond.


  1. I'm so excited about the new Harry Potter, except I can't remember what happened in the last one so I'm going to reread it before buying


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