The tropical rain forest in downtown is home to monkeys. While they could eat from the forest, they find potato chips more to their liking. I watched this monkey swoop down from the tree, take the lid off the trashcan, and tossed it onto the ground to get to the food inside. The two in the bamboo watched on waiting to see if anything good was to be found.
After deciding that there was nothing to eat in the trash, the monkey's attention turned to the group of people to see if we had any food. Well you can't feed a monkey because if you do, then about 40 of them show up and start attacking you for food. This small group started advancing and we decided to move on.
Humans went off in one direction and monkeys in the other. There were other trashcans for them to scavage. With the close proximity to downtown and a major tourist area it's surprising that more haven't been killed by cars. I'm told it has happened but it's rare and the monkeys have learned to stay out of the streets.


  1. I saw no monkeys on Mt. Whitney, but there were some very aggressive and fat marmots, chipmonks and even birds after our food. Bears were not a problem. We did see two deer that were very used to humans but didn't beg for food. If they did I would have run!

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Are there animals other than birds in Europe? We haven't seen any wild life except for the people in Amsterdam!



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