Hotel life as a business traveler can either keep you sane or make you go mad. I know I've tried to explain it before but I've always felt that I can never really capture in word what it's like to be on the road.

Everything revolves around routine. In today's KL paper, I read an article about how babies need a regular bedtime routine. I think the same applies for business travelers. Each day I wake up and I have breakfast in the executive lounge. It might only be fruit, bread and coffee but it's consistent. The staff has learned what I like and dislike and they watch out for me.

Then (in KL) I hop on the monorail and begin my trip to work. It's a routine of "up the stairs and down the ramp" and a change at KL Central to the LRT to the next stop for the pick-up into the office. Work all day and repeat the trip home, where I find myself back in the executive lounge for light cheese & crackers, plus a glass of wine for dinner. All that leads me to is 8:16 pm when I return to my room and turn on the TV. Stargate (the movie) is on tonight and I'll go to sleep in a couple hours only to repeat the events above.

It's a strange life. All I can say is that a business traveler, it is a good thing to get to know the staff at your hotel. They can make or break your trip. Actually this applies to vacation travel as well. In the lounge at this hotel, they staff has learned that I like coffee with cream, have lost my credit card, drink red wine (no local beer here) and like to read. They also know I take the monorail to work and that I go home on Wednesday. While this may seem trivial it goes a long way in establishing relationships that keep a person sane while living the hotel life.

Sometimes I get homesick in the most strange ways. At this hotel, there are a lot of Aussies. It's making me think of Aussie Mac and I hope she's doing well. RRR - I'm missing you all as well and I can't wait to see you soon and get caught up on your lives over the past few months. All SoCal locals that I know - I'll be seeing you (and soon!)


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