
There are sold out shows for days and lines for hours in LA to see Transformers. Yet at the secret theater, you can still show up a few minutes before the screening and get a great seat and have minimal crowds to deal with. Not matter what else is old and not working at that theater, you always get in. Transformers continues with the mindless 4th of July alien/robot/save the planet genre movie that is all action and no plot. Transformers is 2 hours & 30 minutes of action without meaning and that's all it is meant to be. The basic plot is that the robots were created by a borg-like cube but the cube was lost and the robots are now split between good and evil robots. Both come to earth to find the cube and the evil robots attack a US military operation in Qatar while the good robots land in the US. Taking the disguise as cars and now they're autobots, the robots carry on their fight in the streets.

Transformers is not a cutesy cartoon movie. This is all about blowing things up and destruction on the scale of Godzilla. The movie works better when only the autobots are fighting and most of the human interest storylines are mere filler and fairly pointless. If at least 4-6 characters were removed, we could have had a tight robot fight movie that would have been more fun since that is the strength of Transformers. There were times that the SFX were so seamless that I found myself having to really concentrate on the scene to identify studio street, green screen, CGI figures. This works best in the fight scenes and really was amazing animation.

The movie itself only serves the purpose for mindless fun and it does that. It's also dumb and demeaning with stereotypes of all people and races throughout. Luckily the robots take up most of the screen time. I laughed a few times and it will be a good airplane movie for when I don't want to concentrate. It was nice and loud so if there were crying babies and cell phones no one will hear them. The movie is not targeted to young children and the focus was on blowing up helicoptors, police vehicles, tanks, other vehicles, buildings and people. That's what Transformers is about and come Monday, I'm sure there will be a new box office record for the July 4th weekend.


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