Nancy Drew

The kid in me that read every single Nancy Drew book a hundred times over finally got me to the theater to see the movie. I was resisting because the movie didn't have good reviews and there was a major character deviation from the books. In short, never once did Nancy have a 12 year old boy as a sidekick. Never. These books were for teenage girls and about teenage girls. A Nancy Drew movie without Bess and George would be like Harry Potter without Ron and Hermione. Picture Harry with Dobby the house-elf for two hours and that's what Nancy Drew is like with her new sidekick. Painful.

Bess & George (short for Georgina) made a brief appearance at the beginning and then were tossed aside. To non-fans, they were simply two girls in a crowd. Boyfriend Ned was there but he came off even dorkier than in the books. Poor guy. The creators of this movie forgot the central theme when making a movie from books that have a loyal fan base - don't change your characters. Had the film makers not made this fatal mistake, the movie could have worked. The story followed the basic plotline of any of the novels. A mystery falls into Nancy's lap and she ends up helping people, ensuring the bad guys get caught, running about a house with a hidden staircase, and saving the day in a humble manner.

I enjoyed elements of the movie. The premise of the haunted Hollywood house murder mystery was fine, most of the characters were what you'd expect from the books, the car was there. The only thing wrong was the Dobby-like sidekick and the LA generic hood mean girls that seem to be mandatory in all movies these days.

Well you don't have to worry about seeing Nancy Drew in the theater. The film is already disappearing and waiting to haunt us at Blockbuster or on the airlines in a matter of months.


  1. You know, I haven't see a single movie this year. Looks like The Simpsons movie will be my first. However, it hits the theatres on the Friday I'm driving to Tahoe. Guess I'll have to see it durning my vacation.


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