So much going on but no pictures to show! I have to back-up a few days to the Tokyo airport. I had seen this on the news a few months ago but had forgotten about it until I was there. In Japan, there are super-toilets now. I found one almost hidden at the airport. I would have by-passed it but I had to back-track once I saw the line to go from terminal to terminal and I knew I had to make a pit stop. Turns out, I wandered into the secret stall of super-toilets! These toilets have push button features. You can push a button and spray your but clean, (I declined) you can push another button for super deoderizer, (didn't need) and you can push a button to simulate fake toilet flush sound.

(Hmmm, just learned the Blogger auto-save has it's defaults. I guess the three sentences that I just wrote were not meant to be read. Oh well, maybe later.)

So today was a typical work for a few hours and sit around for a few hours in an office. It's the third world and that's how the days always seem to go. I tried to steal wireless from another office but no such luck. So at the end of the day (the day of no work) I'm in my hotel getting caught up on e-mail. That's life in KL.


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