Star Wars must be the key to the universe. Even in Malaysia the movie has long lasting appeal. I couldn't believe my eyes when as I walked through a mall there was an X-Wing fighter in an asteriod field! At the cost of looking silly, I had to take a picture. This must have been a good luck vibe for me since the next day I was able to see Harry Potter in IMAX and in an uncrowded theater. I still haven't bought the new book yet, Borders was out of copies by day 2. I can't even imagine such a thing happening in the US but then again, the places where you can buy Harry Potter are limited here. I'll try again on Monday.
The rains continue to fall which helps keep the temperature down. Once the rain stops and the sun comes out the heat is oppressive and stifles your breath in a way that is only possible in a third world tropical country. The pollution and exhaust fumes stay in the air and there are no breezes to blow them out. The result is that more than 10 minutes outside and you've sweated away all your sunscreen and any clothes you are wearing look as if they've been on for days. The rain is better even as the streets and fields flood out as least you can breath. Either way, you're going to look like crap. I know. I've seen myself in the mirror.
The job here is almost done. Two full more days to go plus the remainder of this Sunday afternoon. I've saved some work to keep me occupied today and tomorow I'll be busy at work but I've checked out mentally. I'm look forward to airport chaos since I know that I'll be on the way home.
The new thing that I learned today is that while the blueberry cheesecake may look wonderful it's a trick. Asian cheesecake is not the same as US cheesecake. One, there's a layer of cake in it. Two, the cheesecake part is rather tasteless and doen't have the cream cheese consistency that one thinks of when eating cheesecake. I consider that experiment a waste of calories and next time, I'll stick with the Java Chip Frapuccino!


  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    There has been Harry Potter mainia in every country we visited this past week.



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