Before I get on the plane and into the world of oblivion at 39,000 ft, I must get caught up on events! First - Happy Late Birthday to Jean! I still have to write up the HRC story for Oslo for you. I'm still hoping to get Lisbon in later this year! Happy Early Birthday to Shawn! I am so bummed I'm missing your moon the train party!

I'm trying to drink as much water as possible right now to prevent airplane dehydration. I have to change plans in Tokyo and they take all water bottles from you before you board the plane and then they never keep you hydrated enough on the 7 hour flight to Singapore. Ugh.

I have no idea what I'm in for on this trip. Well, I actually do but the way it will play out is the unknown element. Something always goes wrong with a restaurant opening and who knows what will happen this time. Maybe I'll be surprised and we can open sooner rather than later!


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