Once you survive the first day of jet-lag, the rest of the trip is easy! Although it was only 6:30 pm when I returned to the hotel, the lack of sleep and full day of activities has wiped me out. One hour ago, I was sure I'd stay awake until 9:00 pm but now 8:00 pm is looking pretty good. I'd go to sleep now but it's not even 7, so that would guarantee a 1:00 am wake-up. There are still bugs in the bathroom so I'll be sleeping with the light on again tonight. I'm super paranoid about transporting any creatures back with me in my suitcase but luckily it seems to be only the sink that's the problem. All personal articles are safely zipped back into their baggies after use. No bugs on my toothbrush! I'd complain, but what will happen? I'll be given a can of Raid. There are no hotels in Singapore this week so I have to make do. I also have to keep in mind that to many people in the world, a few bugs are a minor inconvenience. It helps to keep this in the right frame of mind but I still don't want any bugs in my suitcase. Such is the glamour of travel.


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