Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

This 5th movie could be one of the best in the series for fans of the book and confusing for those who only watch the movies. There was so much in book 5 that it was simply impossible to bring all of it to the screen. There are moments when we suddenly jump to a scene and it’s like, what happened? If you’ve read the book you’ll know and want to see the stuff that was left out. If you haven’t read the book maybe you won’t notice or you’ll choose to ignore the confusion since Order of the Phoenix moves at a fast pace.

I have to say that I liked this movie better than the last two. It captured the book well and kept the focus back on Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Order of the Phoenix is dark the way Empire Strikes Back was dark for Star Wars. The kids have to accept that life at Hogwarts is no longer the innocent fun of their early years. Even though the actors are a couple of years older than their characters, I’m willing to stick with them. Any replacement for younger actors would ruin the movies.

All of the new characters and actors match the book. The Professor of the Dark Arts is that teacher that everyone hates and fears. Even more so because her outward appearance is pink and cuddly. The other teachers are more absent this time around with the exception of Snape who has to train Harry in mind defense. Luna and Bellatrix are well cast as well.

The screening that I saw was on IMAX and bigger really is better. The clarity of special effects looked so good. Now I must return and see it in IMAX 3D where the last 20 minutes of the big wizard dual are projected in 3D. I’ve heard it’s great and as if you were really there.


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