Street Art - Carlsbad

With the jet lag getting me up early, I decided to go into the Carlsbad Village at sunrise and snap a few photos of local street art. When you're wandering out that early without distractions, you learn a few things. I've only been gone a few weeks but an entire block of auto repair and industrial building have been torn down and condos are going up in their place. The streets are blocked for repair. And the Cecil mural came up amid controversy.

I get that many people are upset that we seem to care more about this lion than the millions of people starving to death in the world. It's easier to identify with one when the sheer numbers of the other are too much to comprehend. I also believe that if we can't care about the one, then there's no way we'll ever care about millions. Animals can't help themselves, people can.
What else happened? Senor Grubby's has donated a wall to be a revolving mural for the next year to showcase Southern California artists. This went up while I was gone. Walking about I found that a local Carlsbad artist is sponsoring the project and he's got quite a few of his own images around town. I'll have to do a hunt for them sometime.
This is the classic on the side of Witch Creek Winery. The other realization is that when you're out in the streets so early, you see how many homeless men there are in a small area. They're all waking up for the day and contemplating another day on the streets, parks, or train tracks. I have no solution or answer but in some ways we're just like India even though to be homeless here is 100's of times better than homeless in most of the world. Neither is good. Neither is easy. 


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