Innsbruck - here despite it never being on my to-see list

First the backstory. In about a week I'll be boarding a cruise ship (this year's Cruise Trek) in Romania. When I booked the flight many months ago, I had a brilliant idea to go in a week early to Vienna and use it as a base to spend a few nights each in Albania and Bosnia. Fast forward to 6 weeks ago and the Covid restrictions, flight schedules, and hotel prices made me give up. Changing the flight to Vienna would result in penalties and possibly fare increases so I made the best of it and thought, where can I go in Austria where I've never been? Innsbruck, hmm. Can I get a free flight from Vienna? Yes! Can I get a free hotel room? Yes. Check!

The city is picture perfect though. Nestled in a valley between two mountain ranges, it's green, colorful, and everything you could want a place to be when the purpose is total work decompression. No major sightseeing, no expectations. You, a city and a view. It's walkable and small. You've got to look up, left and right, and peer around the corners to see the charm.

Verdict after day 1: Normally I'd see everything in two days but I'm glad this is a three day stay where there's no pressure to do anything but relax and enjoy!


  1. Anonymous4:49 AM

    A blog post!!! I love it. JM

    1. JM - this trip blog is at your request!

  2. Anonymous6:34 AM

    You're blogging again! KR

    1. For the trip. Did you have an old post notification alert you?

    2. On FB you said your blog was live. Keith

    3. Yes, I did. Not many people caught that. Of course I didn't post a link either to keep the blog contained to the usual friends and family.


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