Palm Spring Weekend

106°f  in July and forecast for even higher temperatures later this week means that hotel prices in Palm Springs area drop way down. Lucky for me this coincides with a Hilton challenge that I'm doing right now. I wasn't calculating on how to entertain and get all my exercise in when the cool weather is 83°. 
A combination of movies during the day and early morning exploration and later afternoon surfing the net yielded the magic ticket. The big bonus was with no water and no humidity there are no mosquitoes.
It turned out to be a documentary weekend with movies short enough and prices cheap enough I ended up seeing three. I can recommend "Won't You Be My Neighbor" to anyone who has ever watched even one episode of Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. There is so much more to the story of his show and the fact that it was groundbreaking in many ways. "RBG" was equally good and provided another back story to not only Ruth Bader Ginsberg and was the only movie I've seen that could make the audience interested in Supreme Court case details. While not close to the strength of the other two movies, "Mountain" plays like an IMAX movie and will appeal to anyone who like to watch extreme mountaineering or Everest documentaries. At 70 minutes running time it is shortest running time of the three but felt like the longest.
Well that about sums it up. The movies saved me from sunburn and it was nice to be able to hang out at theaters without feeling like I should be doing something else.


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