My house was built in 2000 and it's falling apart in 2008. Yesterday, I randomly looked out the bathroom window and noticed a few roof tiles had slipped. The glue is coming off and the seams are crumbling. I also saw grass and straw which I can only hope is from the bird's nest and not from a rat or mouse nest. All night I thought about rodents in the roof.
This morning I grabbed the only tool I had that would work in my attempt to fix tiles without falling off the roof. Now I know what that bathtub is for!
And I leaned out the window (after learning how to pop out the snap screen) and started moving tile around. This sucks. I think I'm going to have to call a roofer in the next year for repairs. If it's like this on a decorate eave then I'm sure it's worse where I can't see it.


  1. You already know an expert roofer. Just look at the red tile on his 6-car garage!

  2. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Roof? Who needs a roof? It never rains in southern California!


  3. Fires? I didn't think of that till now. But my dead lawn will provide enough kindle for that.


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