Where am I Again?

Home last night around 7:30 pm, laundry done and repacked in the next suitcase. Up at 3:00 am and now at SAN waiting for the flight to STL. Not sure how this happened and where all my sleep has gone. Sleeping in my own bed was great once I remembered that the reason that the ship wasn't moving was that I was in a house and not on a ship. Amazing how that makes sense that houses don't move.

Except last night they did - Earthquake in LA but I felt nothing. If I had, I would have thought I was back on the ship.


  1. Anonymous9:55 AM

    It was nice to sleep in a bed where I didn't bang my knee against a wall. I actually miss John's snoring. I am sure that when you woke up this morning you did not miss hitting your head on the pull down!

  2. You are always on the go! Where is STL? Bonnie

  3. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Bon - St. Louis (work)

    LJ - I know, if we were on Survivor it would be like we were all set to camp with John, Brent, Fiona, Joanie, & Bill!

    It was nice not to hit a bunk or fear rolling off the bed!



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