Drag Me To Hell

Director Sam Raimi's new horror flick Drag Me To Hell could have been funny and we all expected some humor but not so much so. This is a straightforward horror movie with slow parts that build up and then the seat jump. The movie can be good or bad, depending on what you want out of it but more important - when you see it.

Drag Me To Hell is a pretty boring movie on a Sunday 12:00 pm screening with an audience of 20. See it at 8:00 pm or later with a packed crowd on a Friday or Saturday night and interaction and talkback from the audience would make this a fun movie.

The lead character is the type that audiences naturally scream at for being stupid. Going into a car in a dark lot, not locking doors, mocking the gypsy curse...

Then again, a better movie would still hold up at any time, any viewing.

Sam Raimi fans are going to go no matter what or have already gone. The rest of you, see it with the right audience or skip it.

Warning - lots of green projectile vomit, bugs, and projectile blood. And a kitten.


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