Land of the Lost

End Credits. Yes, the end credits were what I liked best about Land of the Lost. Movie reviews return not with good movies like Wolverine and Star Trek (liked them) but with a dud. Sorry about that but sometimes I'm compulsive about seeing movies that I shouldn't.

Land of the Lost was a good idea that went wrong somewhere. The revamp of Holly and Will characters to adults was fine. Cha-ka and Enik, and Dr. Marshall were awkward jokes that didn't work. In fact, most of the one-liners in this movie might have read good on paper but in delivery feel flat and generated no laughs in the audience of maybe a dozen yesterday.

The plot adapts elements of the TV show but jumbles them so together that any cohesiveness is non-existant. If you were thinking of watching this, save the money. Even trapped on an airplane, if this was my only movie, I wouldn't watch it again.

I realize this sounds harsh. Did I like anything? Leonard Nimoy was the voice of The Zarn and that was the best thing in Land of the Lost.


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