
Unless something goes wrong tomorrow or even Friday, the odds are pretty good that I'll be traveling on Christmas Eve to Panama and then on to Ecuador on Christmas Day. New Years is looking like a flight day and then I go into back to backs - Belfast and return to Ecuador.  January is a loss for social life but a bonus for miles and points. Which brings me to packing.

This is a 3 suitcase strategy. First up, trip 1. I need 10 days of clothes so I won't have to deal with laundry. But I have to make room for work items which alone are taking up 25 lbs of suitcase weight. So it's time to toss out any extra shoes or clothes and carefully count underwear and socks. Success! First bag packed. Now from that sorting out, I've started bag #3.  Since trip #3 is 3 weeks, I still need 10 days of clothes so I should be able to come home, wash, repack and add in a few more for the long trip and done. Partially there.

Suitcase #2 has to be separate. This will be the grab and go. Belfast in January won't be warm so layers of sweaters, snow socks, and mittens will make up that bag.  I'll keep one suitcase in the car and change bags at the parking garage between trips. Or the hotel garage. Haven't quite figured out where the car will be.

That's all for now. Time to ignore the suitcases and think about dinner!


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