The Doctor Who Experience

I'm a pretend fan of Doctor Who. I don't get the classic version and since I iPad'd the new Who seasons 1-7 in a span of months, I'm missing the emotional connection. Still the Doctor Who Experience is fun. Where else but Cardiff do you have the Tardis welcoming the sailors home?
The Experience does a good job with the props. I liked seeing all the detail that is put into some of them.
 Don't blink, too late!
 Lot's of Daleks. My photos of them didn't turn out so well. A fan? In Cardiff? Check it out here.


  1. I'm not even a pretend fan. Just can't get into it even though I've only seen a few bits of a few episodes. Great photos, though.

  2. My son(31 yr) is a huge fan. He would be jealous :) Keeps trying to get me interested...pretty sure it's not my bag, baby...:) Looks like fun, though! Have not been to Wales yet, it's on "the lis"t...


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