Lost a Week

Somehow between coming home from the UK and right now, I have all sense of time. I turned around and headed off for 5 days of meetings in LA and then headed to Vegas for a conference. Somehow at last I am home and packing for another few days of meetings followed up by an overseas trip.

Life's lesson this week is that 20+ pairs of underwear are not enough.

Three suitcases are now scattered about for different trips and different clothing needs. The only thing in common is underwear so I can enough to pack in all suitcases for a drop and go. 30+ is what's needed if one wants to avoid laundry.

Tip for everyone - buy stock in Victoria's Secret. They're the best for businesswomen on the go.

Yes, it's TMI but that's the way life is sometimes. I have a one-way ticket to Kuala Lumpur for a two week stay. I could return home June 2 or I could end up in Dubai. Don't know yet.

I might be in South America in July. Or I might be in New Zealand. Or it can all get pushed to August.

At time like this the mind boggles. No wonder I've lost a week.

Friday night at 6:34 pm. It's either time for a beer or time for laundry. The odds are pretty good that you all know which one I will choose.


  1. Sounds like the opposite of my life right now, as I spend too much time at home. Let me know if you need me to go by your house while you are gone. And if you do, remind me that I need to go.


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