Star Trek - Into Darkness

Of course I ran out and saw Star Trek yesterday morning! I fought the urge as long as possible but at 9:30 am, I grabbed my wallet and car keys and found myself a few minutes later inside the theater.  So much happens in this movie that it is not safe to talk about it until Monday when every hard core Trekkie has seen it.

The movie delivered. It had action, the Enterprise crew together, bad guys, good guys, and explosions. Everything you need from a hit movie. And the humor was right on target. Small details were included to give a nod to long time fans while not detracting from knowledge that new fans need.

I loved the revamp on a classic story but in the new universe. Parallels, changes, dialogue was perfect (for me).

Downsides. The aliens shown in the first few minutes were annoying. It won't spoil anything and it will relieve you to know that you don't see them again. A couple of the "save the day" sequences were way out there and it was hard to suspend disbelief. Uhura kicked butt. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy were the trio we expect. Benedict Cumberbatch of Sherlock fame was cold and ruthless and the enemy.

For Trek and action fans, this is the weekend movie.


  1. Ooooooh, this weekend! I think it'll be just me and the guys, daughter will not care about it one bit... This is the only movie of its type I actually care to see, not being a buff, but I am loyal to the Trek thing, oh yes =-)

  2. I finally saw it and liked it.


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