World War Z

Time for a zombie movie shout-out - I enjoyed World War Z! No, it is not exactly like the book and that's okay. The book does WWZ from a past perspective and the movie puts you into the war in the present. Full of action, quick paced, and rather enjoyable with a few jump in the seat moments and World War Z leaves you wondering "what if?"

Now in my zombie obsessed world, I know that starvation for lack of food in my house would mean I'm out on the streets pretty quickly if there ever were a zombie apocalypse.  Luckily it is unlikely that I will ever see one but a movie like this can get you to thinking....

Gun, sword, pick-ax, or bow and arrow? Gun of course but I don't own one.

That leaves...Garden spade? Hmmm. Maybe starvation is the least of my worries if zombies invade.

But really, if you like Zombie movies, Brad Pitt, fast action, then World War Z fits all of those. I read the book and get why the movie is not the book. Both are enjoyable, each in their own way. Plot holes? Of course there are. Can a zombie movie really ever be realistic? (I'm watching Dawn of the Dead as I write this so maybe I'm not the best judge.)

But if you like the genre and you've seen Man of Steel, the World War Z is the action movie weekend choice.

Good night, sleep tight. Don't let the Zombies bite.


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