McMenaminS Passport - part 1

McMenaminS Brewpubs are one of my favorite things about Portland. The beer is good, the food is reliable, and the uniqueness of some of the historic restorations makes for a fun outing. I've been to a few of their locations and when a friend asked if I'd join her for a weekend to work on the McMenaminS Passport, it was an easy yes!

Stamps in the passport are earned by visiting the hotels, restaurants, bars, etc. When doing the location stamps no purchase is needed but there are things to do, such as using a clue to find a photo.  When you do an Experience, there's usually a cost involved such a buying a beer flight, playing pinball or staying at one of the hotels. Fill up a section, get a free gift. Complete four experiences, get a $20 McMenaminS gift card.

Below - I've got my flight and my passport in hand. The flat iron building is the Crystal Hotel where we stayed.


  1. Looks like Portland is a city I need to get back to.


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