I just washed my mouth out with soap! Quite by accident of course and it was the strangest sensation. Now most people don't have accidents like that but it could happen to anyone. It has to doing with earthquake preparedness and household laundry but we'll get to that in a moment.

The day started well, aside from the fact that it was raining and that everyone had to be on the freeway at 8:30 am. LJ and I went over to Cafe on Park for breakfast, which is always a filling experience. Then we went to Fashion Valley and saw Saved! Saved! turned out to be a witty and entertaining movie and not what you'd expect given the majority of the movie takes place within a Christian high school. Even more surprising was Mandy Moore and MacCauly Culkin both gave decent performances! The movie is almost a satire of the over-enthuasiatic Christians and hits home. If you are one of those types, you will not be amused but I sure laughed. Anyhow, Saved! I won't spoil it, you'll either like it or hate it, no middle ground with this movie.

I had to stop at Trader Joes on my way home and the cashier kept wiping his nose. That grossed me out so when I came home, I had to get alcohol pads to wipe off his germs from my food. That led to me opening the supply cabinet when I noticed that mold was growing on the kleenex and the whole box seemed to be wet. Well, it did rain last night and I get leaks but this seemed to be coming from the laundry soap so I pulled it out and stuck it in the sink. Then I saw a bigger puddle under the emergency water. I pulled that out and it was sealed and then I saw the bottle behind it was only 1/4 full. Do these things just spring leaks with age? I must have at least 20 one gallon bottles as I need to be ready for earthquakes, power outages, the usual So-Cal disaters, etc...! So I pulled that water out and used it for some of the plants. Thinking all was well, I started to clean the mess and found another bottle about 1/2 full. I figured, well, why waste it? I poured some into my glass and the rest into a pitcher. Now I could go back to cleaning the germs off the food and putting away the groceries. That done, time to TiVo. I sat down and took a sip of water. It was not right. I sat there and thought about my water. Oh my God! When there's a leak, not only does stuff go out, but stuff can go in! Like the laundry soap that had seeped off the dispenser! Out went the glass and the pitcher of water! Duh! Good thing I had a new supply of food to cleanse my taste buds!

Lesson Learned, story over!

And a big shout out to Jean H! who's now the same age as me! Happy Birthday!


  1. You're prepared for an earthquake but you didn't even feel the biggest one we've had in a long time!


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