This has been the sort of day where you just need a beer. Since I only have beer in the house when people are coming over, I was reduced to having a leftover Romulan Ale that no one would drink! It's really not that bad, it's just blue. Today was all about school and work and I think the sun came out but I'm not really sure.

Today's Kelly update is courtesy of Brian:

Hi folks,It's been great hearing from everybody in Kelly's life thanks for all the support.We're celebrating little victories every day. Friday Kelly was opening his eyes for 30 seconds at a time and trying to answer questions from Tom by blinking.

It looks like he has to really fight to stay awake because his brain says sleep. His body has massive amounts of healing to do.The doctors can tell from the grimace on his face that he is in pain (believe it or not this is a good sign) so they are giving him small amount of morphine. This makes him comfortable but it knocks him out cold.

He is responding well to the dialysis. His liver and kidneys are barely functioning, but they are seeing improvement and hope to see them back to functional in a week.Still no idea what caused all this. Kelly is now going to be written up as a case study.

Tom has been with him constantly, and we're all waiting to get him off the ventilator so we can hear his voice again.


  1. I've got one of those Ales in my fridge too, waiting for someone to drink.

  2. Yeah, I only drank 1/2 of the bottle and then I gave up.


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