This is the view from my hotel window. Yes, it's the $149
per night view from the St. Louis Hilton. At first, I thought
it was a prison but it's a parking garage. The room is always
dark and no sun gets through, which is great when I'm
sleeping but not so fun after work.
It's been another week of work to hotel but at least the
weather is turning cool and it's not so bad. The Cardinals
won another game and the city seems to be happy.
I can close the curtains and ignore the bricks and all is well.
per night view from the St. Louis Hilton. At first, I thought
it was a prison but it's a parking garage. The room is always
dark and no sun gets through, which is great when I'm
sleeping but not so fun after work.
It's been another week of work to hotel but at least the
weather is turning cool and it's not so bad. The Cardinals
won another game and the city seems to be happy.
I can close the curtains and ignore the bricks and all is well.
Well, now I'll have to post a photo of what I see outside my hotel windows. How exciting!