
Taken was chosen as today’s movie simply due to ease of selection. It had an early start time, a short running time and stars Liam Neeson. The plot and everything else was inconsequential and had Liam not been in this movie, I would have skipped it until an airplane carried it. So - the movie delivers exactly what you would expect of it. Taken is a shrug and a whatever movie at the end of the day or to be more accurate, 15 minutes into the plot.

Basic – Divorced, super bad-ass Dad loses daughter to new rich dad and bitter ex-wife. Said daughter runs off to Paris and lies to Dad. Said daughter and friend are kidnapped into a sex ring and Dad tells the bad guys he’s going to find and kill them. Taken can be renamed "The 96 Hour Body Count" and now you know what you’re in for. With a running time of 93 minutes, it felt like the first half was a lifetime to get Neesom to Paris. Once he’s there, the improbable is probable and if you even try to figure out how super hero Dad does everything, then your brain will explode.

Taken has a beginning, a bunch of killings in the middle, and an end.

Lets’ move on to something far more important – the Star Trek trailer at the beginning. Being a classic Trek purist, I’m inclined to dislike the entire notion of the new film. Time paradox be screwed, Spock and Kirk should not be together as young dudes. But, I have to admit that I am probably going to like Simon Pegg as Scotty and John Cho as Sulu. I’ll have to add that with Eric Bana as the bad guy and Karl Urban as Bones, my attendance is guaranteed.


  1. I saw Liam Neeson promote this on The Daily Show. Sorry you had to sit through it. Liam must have needed the money.


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