Let's Talk News

Yes, I had nothing better to do at 5:00 am than drink my Nescafe and read the paper. New country, same routine.

Headline: H1N1 and up to 2 billion may be infected. Everyone had us so worried about the health screening at the airport. I had told everyone to eat ice to make sure our temperatures were normal but it was mainly fill out the health form, be slightly looked at to make sure you didn't look sick and go on through. What a relief! Not that I'm sick but who wants to be quarantined?

Also on front page - coverage of the memorial tribute to a former South Korean leader. Big news I guess for a thaw in relationship. In the US, we're always talking about a thaw with North Korea so it's funny to see the difference.

Later on, a story about how the separatist conspiracy will never succeed and right after that - how hard it is for an expat (non-Chinese) to find love in Shanghai. Who knew that Chinese Valentine's Day is Wednesday, August 25?


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