A Moment to Catch Up

Dec. 5. From here on out I always lose track of the days until it is Dec. 23 and I have done nothing to be ready for Christmas. I don't even do anything for Christmas which makes not being ready even more surprising than if I needed to do something. So today I bought my few Christmas cards, stamps, and am about to start putting them together. If you're reading this, it means you won't get a card. I reserve those for the few people in life who are still not online.

The hobbits and Star Trek figures are all out and on their respective Christmas trees and sleighs.

My blu-rays have arrived of Star Trek, Wolverine, and the Underworld trilogy. I'm set for holiday viewing.

I think I have a social schedule figured out that amazing work did not interfere with.

This is as ready as I'll ever be. Bring on Santa!


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