More on the Cookie

The past few weeks have been hectic! Starting shortly after I returned from NYC it has been a non-stop whirlwind of work activity and part of this is all due to that little fortune cookie. Now because this is a work situation, the story will have gaps. (excellent blogger advise on "How Not to get Fired While Blogging at)

So here's the deal. I have always wanted to work in the International Department at my company. Since the office is located in another state, I was reluctant to leave the beach, even for an excellent job. In the past few years, I have decided that when the opportunity would arise, I would be ready to go for it.

Three weeks ago, the Director of International Training resigned. I was so excited and ready to go! I opened my mouth and let a lot of people know. Then the tower walls began to crumble and fall. First, I wasn't sure that I would even be allowed to apply. The company I work for is pretty firm on all the internal HR policies. My department has been through several changes this year my chances of a transfer were looking slim. I was getting depressed and beaten down.

Then, the fortune cookie came my way and gave me new determination. "Take that chance you've been considering." I still have it right next to my desk.

There has been positive progress in the last week. My application for a transfer/promotion has been approved and submitted to HR. I feel good. I sleep at night. My chances have gone from zero to pretty positive on this.

My company works slowly on these type of things. I'll keep you posted when there's a final resolution. Keep your fingers crossed for me!


  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Good luck and once you get there, just remember to start working your way back home

    We will miss you around here.


  2. i'm eating lots of fortune cookies and sending all the good fortune your way :)


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