I had the internet stolen from me for a few days but I have taken it back by changing hotels. Connections are so unreliable here that you have to take advantage of a connection everytime you find it. Nothing new in sightseeing, I've been working the past few days and nothing exciting has been going on. I'm halfway through the Russia stay and I expect the next week to go by fast now that the downtime is over. It takes so long to get the simplest things done here. Confirming a hotel reservation takes 15 minutes, finding a lost reservation takes another 15. Getting a coffee refill is a challenge since people here don't drink entire pots the way Americans do. Printing a document at the business center is yet another challenge. I have been doing office type work for the last 2 hours and at home all of these tasks would have only taken 45 minutes.
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Most Hobbit minded people have already seen the latest installment so this is for those of you waiting for the crowds to go down. Part 2 is much better than part 1. This applies to all viewers. Where the gap happens if you have not read the book (including the appendices) you will probably like the whole movie. If you've read the book and taken the time to read the appendices, then you'll appreciate the back story that's presented here. The spirit of Tolkien is present and Desolation of Smaug fits well within what will become a 6 part movie. What I liked....The opening sequence. This is not in the book and I had to look it up in the appendices and sure enough, Gandalf and Thorin did meet in Bree. Thranduil and Legolas father/son relationship. I liked it. While only a mere mention in the appendices, in this movie we see Legolas loyal to his father. That Legolas doesn't mesh with the person he becomes and it will be interesting to see what happens to Legolas in the nex...
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