London has taken a turn for the colder since I left it a few days ago. It's 4:00 pm and sunset is only a few minutes away. I'm on an overnight stop before I travel back home on Sunday. I left Beirut early this morning and as I watched the city disappear from sight, I wondered as always, when will I be back? I can't speak for what it's like in the Southern Suburbs as I didn't go there. My friends tell me it's bad and those people are really struggling. There were random spots in Central Beirut that were reduced to rubble, especially the roads. Potholes on our roads have nothing on the damage that a bomb can do to a road. At Starbucks last night we all watched multiple amublances go by and wondered what happened. People are constantly looking around and aware of their surroundings. The laid back have a latte on the patio casual attitude is gone. The same thing happens but with an edge of awareness of everything and everyone around them.


  1. Peru will seem like Disneyland to you now.

  2. Let me see. Peru - 4 flights in one week, 3 hotel changes, early wake up calls, third world country with high theft and poor water conditions. Sometimes violent, Latin America country where things happen slowly. It will be like standing in line for Buzz Lightyear at Disneyland!


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