I learned about a new world of wine today - Arizona Honey Mead, made at the Grand Canyon Meadery in Arizona. It was sweeter than what I normally drink and would make a great dessert wine but it went down just fine with movies and scrapbooking. We've already booked another bottle for Sharon's return trip next year.

Ms. Kitty's nephew was in charge of the movies today so it was Two Towers EE and Van Helsing. We made a quick trip in the middle of the day for a stop at Karl Struass Brewery and then headed back to my place to hang out. Later on kim! joined us and we moved on to X-Men and yet more scrapbooking!

I must mention that the Honey Mead is 17% alcohol and is best served in small doses. It's deceptively tasty and one bottle for 3 people is plenty. (Ms. Kitty and Sharon might have differing points of view on this.)


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