Today I have sad news to report.

On Feb. 10th, my father died of a heart attack. He had heart trouble for the past few years but kept it in check with medication, exercise and diet. In the last couple of months, he had been feeling pain in his heart but didn't tell anyone until last week when he almost passed out square dancing. It was only at the urging of a friend that he went to urgent care and discovered he might have angina. A follow up visit show hardening of the arteries. The afternoon before he died, he had chest pain again but it went away so he decided not to go to urgent care. He died of a heart attack a few hours later.

I share this so that if you know anyone who is minimizing their chest pain or showing symptoms of a heart problem, please get them to a doctor asap.

The service will be held Monday, at 11:00 am, at the Poway-Bernardo Morturay.


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