It's time to rant again about The Amazing Race. In last night's episode, Rob & Amber managed to convince other teams to take a penalty during the eat the side of beef challenge. It's a four hour penalty and if Rob couldn't handle the food, then the other teams could have eaten their meal in 3 hours and still been a hour ahead without taking the penalty. I really don't want "Romber" to win but if the other teams don't wake up, then they deserve last place. It is an unfair advantage that with one highly recognizable team, people throughout the world are more willing to help them win over the other teams.

And if Mondo and I had been on this TAR, Mondo could have powered down that side of beef in no time. This would have been a good challenge.


  1. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Four pounds of beef-like substances? Are you kidding me? You (and I do mean you) would have had to carry me to the pit stop.

    What a pisser.

    I am thinking the producers did this on purpose to shake up the game. I read online somewhere that on earlier seasons a penalty for blowing off a task was 12 hours. So four hours and bunching means it's an option. My guess is they wanted to see if anyone would take the bait.


  2. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Did my first post ever show up? I think it is comment limbo. I am having a heck of a time here.


    Four pounds of beef-like substances? Are you kidding me? You (and I do mean you) would have had to carry me to the pit stop.

    What a pisser.

    I am thinking the producers did this on purpose to shake up the game. I read online somewhere that on earlier seasons a penalty for blowing off a task was 12 hours (but I haven't seen this confirmed anywhere else). So four hours and bunching means it's an option. My guess is they wanted to see if anyone would take the bait.


  3. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Ok, Never mind

    Can I delete?


  4. That was a lot of beef & parts!


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