As every online student has learned, when the class fails you and the text fails you, turn to Wikipedia for the explanation. So today, after 51 hours of math lab, I had to realize that I had no idea what the term "student test" meant. Well it turns out that it's the t-test but more important than that, it was developed by a statistician for the Guiness Brewery in the early 1900's! Guiness didn't want the public to know that they were doing statistical studies of their beer, beer drinkers, and beer consumption so the original t-test formula was published under the name of "student," the pen name for the the inventor. Wow, who knew that this class would have a deeper connection to the world?

In other news, now that my world revolves around Kuwait, the new Amir is already abdicating before taking the oath of office. That's probably a good thing since he's only 4 years younger than the previous Amir, and in ill health as well. The previous Amir hadn't ruled in over 5 years due to health and the de factor ruler himself is well into his 70's, so Kuwait will find itself in an additional ruling crisis sometime in the next few years.


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