At last Sunday is here! I leave in a few hours for Lebanon and once I get on the flight from LAX to Frankfurt I have 12 hours where no phone can ring, no e-mails can arrive, and I can stop obsessing about statisitics. I do have my newly purchased book for the flight "Statistics for Dummies" and it will either be a good read or a sure way to put me to sleep on the plane. I'm also hoping for some good movies to keep me occupied.

I have a 10 hour layover in Frankfurt before going on to Beirut. There is only one flight a day to most cities in the Middle East and you're either in danger of missing the connection or in danger of falling asleep at the airport and then still missing the connection.

I'm mostly packed, all homework is done and now it's time to make the condo look good for buyers. Hopefully it will sell while I'm gone.


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