Belgrade - Serbia (part 1)

Belgrade was a stop that I had been curious about. I didn't know much of what to expect other than a reputation to watch out for pickpockets/theft, the usual big city dangers. We were required to carry our passports in Belgrade which was different than the other stops, even in Golubac. Arrival into Belgrade showed that this part of the Danube was industrial and that artwork/murals were going to be part of the experience.

There isn't a distinctive style to Belgrade, it's a mix of old and new, run down, neglected, cared for, and artistic depending on which direction you're looking. I liked this shot because it showed a mix of an art gallery in front with one of the older buildings in the back.

Older neglected looking exterior with a completely different architecture.
Side of a building. While the art is great, I had to wander around bags of trash to get the picture. I cropped those out so you could focus on the cool part but you can still see some of the bags in the lower left.
Statue of "The Victor" to celebrate Serbian Freedom and Victory from Ottoman rule.


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